Your Founders Club of Sandston’s annual meeting was held on Saturday, April 30 beginning at 10:30 A.M. at the Sandston Recreation Center, Finley Rd. The business meeting began at 11 A.M. and was followed by a catered box lunch by Homemades by Suzanne.
There were 43 people present with 7 first timers! How wonderful! What fun we had talking with old friends and greeting new ones.
The Founder's Club recognizes the history of businesses and homes in Sandston by placing bronze plaques on them. Chris Layne gave a slide presentation of some of the plaques we have placed. Then Chris showed us the bronze plaque that will be installed on Dr. Bailey's home at 200 W. Williamsburg Road on Saturday, May 7th.
Bruce Waldrop reminded us of the Sandston Memorial Day Parade on May 30th. Bruce will be representing the Founders in the parade. The parade begins at Seven Pines and goes down Williamsburg Road to Confederate Avenue. At 2:00 at block party begins at the Recreation Center.
Next, Henrico County official David Sacks, Community Development Manager, told us about the National Historic Designation for Sandston Project; he told us about the updating of our Sandston welcome-signs on Williamsburg Rd. Please notice the new signs, Sandston is officially a National Historical District. See the Henrico Sandston Historic District website for history details, interactive map, and more.
Our next annual meeting is April 28,2023. Mark your calendar and plan to join us!
Very interested in joining.